
Monday Jan 15, 2018
IN ORDER to Get Moving - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Pastor Kevin talks about Jesus being on the move. The local church often forgets that it is The Body of Christ and that bodies move. Jesus always moved to the need. As Christ's body, we too can expect to be moving to the need. Kevin highlights former MCF associate pastor, and current senior pastor at Rose City Church in Pasadena, Dan Davidson, as an example of what it looks like when the local church gets moving. The best argument for Jesus, is Jesus himself. When Jesus, through The Body of Christ, is moving and meeting needs, we can easily say to others, "Come and see!" Here is a LINK to the NBC Channel 4 feature on Dan Davidson and Rose Bud Cafe which Pastor Kevin references in the sermon.

Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Getting Your Perspective IN ORDER - 1st Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Pastor Kevin kicks off an new sermon series entitled, "In Order". A new year often begins with people thinking about change and new starts. But what must happen in order for change to take place? We must change. Change always starts with a new perspective. Note: Here is a link to the video that Kevin showed during the sermon. The clip he showed begins at :30 seconds in and ends at the 10:28 mark. It is THE GOSPEL IN CHAIRS by pastor Brian Zahnd.

Monday Jan 01, 2018
A Gift We Want VS A Gift We Need - 1st Sunday after Christmas
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Pastor's Al Johnson and Ruben Luna have an informal conversation discussing the Gospel and New Testament passages. The recording starts a bit late as Ruben's mic was off at the beginning, but it picks up with Al answering Ruben's question about whether he had ever received a Christmas gift that he thought he wasn't going to like, but it ended up being a great gift.

Sunday Dec 24, 2017
Sanity in the Moment - 4th Sunday in Advent
Sunday Dec 24, 2017
Sunday Dec 24, 2017
Peace and sanity comes when we, like Mary, show up for our lives.

Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sanity in Spending - 3rd Sunday of Advent
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
'Tis the season to get in debt. Our culture has taught us to believe that money buys happiness and that wealth is the way up. Today's scripture teaches us that God is the way up and that giving, rather than grabbing, is what brings us joy.

Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sanity in the Family - 2nd Sunday after Advent
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Pastor Kevin continues this week in his Advent sermon series called, Season of Sanity. Family is supposed to be a place of comfort, but if there is shaming, abuse, addiction, or mental illness in the family, it instead becomes a rough place that sets up family members for a rough road in life. How can the rough roads be made smooth? The road home begins when we find, what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., called, our "soul force." That is when the soul finds it's worth in Christ. That is our deepest truth, and when it is found shame and fear become neutralized.

Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Humpday Podcast "Brett Sulivan"
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
In this Podcast, Brett shared how he accepted Christ. How difficult and lonely it is going through a divorce. Brett shares what he has learned going through such pain. I asked him about all that he went through did he ever feel Jesus left him?

Sunday Dec 03, 2017

Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Humpday Podcast "AJ Christian Mora"
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
In this Podcast AJ talks about what is like being a pastor's kid, seeing his parents going through a divorce, and how watching what his dad went through shaped his view of the church.

Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Humpday Podcast "Randal Slayton Jr"
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
In this Podcast, Randal shares his calling to the ministry and his love for Christ. He also spends time talking about racism in our country.