
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Humpday Podcast: Worship team
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
"What is the difference between manufactured worship verse authentic worship? I sat down with three of our team members and asked them the same question. Join us in the podcast with Giovanni Verduzco, Angela Vicenta and Jens Kuross.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Turn - 2nd Sunday of Advent
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Street corner preachers often carry signs that say, "Turn or Burn". But true repentance is about becoming living signs that point to something much more beautiful

Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
Humpday Podcast "Joanna Paleno"
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
This Podcast is with Pastor Kevin's longtime friend, Joanna (Michelle) Paleno, who shares her story of being a mother and holding on to that dream when things didn't go as planned. She talks about the lesson she learned about God and about healing a broken heart.

Monday Nov 28, 2016
Watch - 1st Sunday of Advent
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Pastor Kevin kicks off a new series called, Restore, with a sermon on watching and preparation. The way in which we "watch" for Christ has everything to do with living by faith rather than certainty.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Humpday Podcast #7 Bob Managbanag
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Bob Managbanag is Pastor Kevin's longtime friend and spiritual acountability partner. He is former local church pastor, and currently a spiritual and bereavement counselor for Roze Room Hospice Care. During this interview Bob shares about being hurt in the church and the affect it had on his marriage. Based on his experience as a councelor, Bob also shares the differences between how Christians and non-Christians respond to loved ones being in hospice care.

Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Always Gratitude, Always Rejoicing - Last Sunday after Pentecost
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Pastor Kevin ends the church year cycle with a reminder to rejoice with Thanksgiving always. We also hear thanksgiving reports from various members of our fellowship.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Humpday Podcast "John and Rebecca Schmiederer"
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
In this podcast, John shares about his divorce and how his healing ocurred outside the church. We hear how Rebecca had to work on her trust for issues that happened before she met John. They both share how they have together built a realationship centerd around Jesus.

Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Keep on Trusting in Jesus
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016

Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Humpday Podcast #4 Alma Jay
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
In this podcast, Alma shares her incredible story. She describes her experiences in AA after breaking an alcohol addiction of 50 years. She's celebrating 6 years of sobriety! During this time she even went back to college and graduated with her degree. Alma also talks about her love and care for Alzheimer's patients. She currently leads workshops on dementia for the community.

Sunday Nov 06, 2016
KEEP ON Hoping - All Saints
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Saints were simply people who's hearts were open to God's wisdom. They "died before they died." They found their life and their hope in Christ and not in things they couldn't take with them when they died. They set a great example for us on where to find our life and hope.