
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Humpday Podcast #3 Robin Rhine McDonald
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
During this podcast, Robin shares her passion for helping people live healthy lives, physically and spiritually. She's a certified health coach and will be leading a workshop (December) and classes in the New Year at MCF. Her goal is to give people a better understanding of their relationship with God and the value of their health.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
KEEP ON Seeking and Saving the Lost - 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016

Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Humpday Podcast Episode #2- Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Imagine having to come to terms with the reality that the love of your life is gone and your 3 and 5 year old sons lost their mother. This interview with Marina Christian Fellowship member, Paul Wilkinson focuses on his grief process after the death of his first wife, Peggy. In this interview, he speaks of the struggles he faced after she passed and the difficulties of raising two boys as a widower. Can God rebuild a life when so much has been lost? Listen as Paul shares three answered prayer requests he had after Peggy's passing and how he continues to live her legacy of "finding joy."

Sunday Oct 23, 2016
KEEP ON Trusting in God's Mercy - 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Sunday Oct 23, 2016

Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Humpday Podcast
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Humpday podcasts are interviews by Pastor Kevin Robertson on various topics. In this podcast, he interviews Justin Gottuso who is the chaplain for hospice care. Justin gives helpful information on how to deal with grief during the holidays. Our grief class starts October 29th.

Monday Oct 17, 2016
KEEP ON Praying - Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016
It can be so discouraging when we see all of the injustice in this world. We feel so small and the problems seem so big. We can feel overwhelmed and tempted just to give up on the idea that we can make a difference. This week, Pastor Kevin, shares on a parable of Jesus that encourages us to persistently engage injustice first through prayer. As we pray, God will often show us how we can be an answer to our prayer with our hands, feet, and words. We can pray on our knees AND in this world as we act.

Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
We often think of healing as something that happens on a personal level just physically and emotionally. But true healing is about wholeness. It is about restoration, not only about what is broken inside of us, but restoration of the breaks that happen between us, God, and others. Ultimately healing is about the restoration and wholeness of all things. Based on Luke 17:11-19, Pastors Kevin Roberston and Maressa Jaikumar spoke on healing and restoration in four parts during our Saturday night service. In this podcast, we've also included the acoustic music from the same service that was interspersed between the 4 sermon segments.

Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Keep On Obeying - (Pastor Ruben Luna)
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
(Scripture: Luke 17:1-10) - Give us more faith! This was the cry of the disciples when faced with what seemed like an impossible situation. Can you relate to this cry, this desperation of realizing you need God to give you more faith to make it through your situation. Jesus tells his disciples that they are asking for the wrong thing. All it takes is faith that is put into action, and to be even more clearer, it all requires just the tiniest amount of faith at that. Listen as you discover that all it takes is a Little Yes to discover what the faith you already have is enough to get you through.

Monday Sep 26, 2016
Blinded by Possessions - 19th Sunday after Pentecost
Monday Sep 26, 2016
Monday Sep 26, 2016

Monday Sep 19, 2016
How Much Do I Owe? - 18th Sunday after Pentecost
Monday Sep 19, 2016
Monday Sep 19, 2016
One of the most troubling and difficult stories of Jesus can also be a key to help us unlock an understanding of God's world of grace which is completely different from our typical world of earning and owing. Pastor Kevin tackles this very difficult story of Jesus and talks about grace, earning, owing, and money.