
Sunday Sep 11, 2016
A Prized Possession - 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Sep 11, 2016
Sunday Sep 11, 2016

Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Pastor Maressa discusses What does it really cost us to follow Jesus? Why is it worth it?
Join her as she examines how Luke 14:25-33 helps us wrestle through these

Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Sunday Sep 04, 2016

Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Friends in Low Places - 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
In our society, people are always jockeying for position and trying to make friends in high places. That can make life pretty complicated. It was pretty much the same in Jesus' day. And Jesus gives us some simple advice that takes courage. Stop jockeying for position. Make friends in low places.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Sabotaging the Sabbath - 14th Sunday after Pentecost
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Jesus was always getting in trouble for "sabotaging the Sabbath". But was he? Is Sabbath about restrictive religious rules, or is it about freedom? How can we make Sabbath about what it was intended to be? How can we make it a time for Christ to free us from the limitations that afflict us?

Sunday Aug 14, 2016
God's Truth Is Marching ON - 13th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Aug 14, 2016
Sunday Aug 14, 2016
Does following Christ always make for peace, or will it sometimes cause division? In this message Kevin talks about how even though Christ followers should not be the ones who intentionally set out to cause division, that if we are truly following Him, division will sometimes be the outcome. How then do we handle that?
Click here to check out the video.

Sunday Aug 07, 2016
From Greed to Grace, The Ultimate Inspiration - 12th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
We are all slaves to someone or something. Today Pastor Kevin talks about how our true faith is not just about what we believe. It is rather about what ultimately inspires us to act. What is it that we cannot not do? Is your ultimate inspiration something that is not ultimate?

Monday Aug 01, 2016
Building Projects or Building Relationships? 11th Sunday after Pentecost
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Pastor Kevin talks about a personal event in his life that relates closely to the sermon text and then interviews Becky Lambert, a former member of his youth group from his youth pastor days. She is an example of someone who has chosen not to spend her life "building bigger barns" but instead investing her life for eternal purposes.

Sunday Jul 24, 2016
My walks with Gene - 10th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
In this segment, Pastor Kevin and Pastor Gene discuss "Finding hope through unanswered prayers"

Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Do This - 8th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Do we sometimes over complicate things that are pretty simple by overthinking and using "Bible babble"? Today as Pastor Kevin continues his series, Courageous Simplicity, he talks about the very well known story known as the Good Samaritan. Jesus teaches us that life is found in the simple doing of mercy and not in overthought out religious ideas and debates. If you know it, then simply do it!